A Letter from Nancy
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This letter was read at the funeral...
September 12, 2001

My dearest Michael,

Our Sweet Emma is 5 months old today. Weren't they wonderful times we had with her? She is amazing. I know that you are still playing with her. She laughs as though you are blowing on her tummy. Are you? I hope you are.

Sunday was the worst day of my life. You know that I knew that this was coming. Remember that I told you that I had a feeling something horrible was going to happen to you? You said I was crazy. I am not crazy. My Grandmother said when I was a baby that I have an old soul and know things beyond what is reasonable to know. I knew that I would not have you here with me for very long. That is probably why we had all the wonderful love that most people have in a lifetime in such a short time.

And our Emma! She felt your love from before we conceived her. You are amazing with her. I know that fathers loving their daughters is no big deal, but you two have such an amazing connection! Don't ever loose that. She needs you so much. We all do, but Emma needs her Daddy.

You are so loved. There are SO MANY people here and calling and emailing and sending food (so much food!). We are all together.

Your father kissed me on the forehead yesterday and I knew that it was from you. Thank you for telling him to do that. I'm not sure that he knows that is what it was, but I knew and savored it.

Do you remember that when I started at Barry I met Tricia and all of her weird friends and said I'd never hang out with her or any of those strange people she was with? And that horrible music she listened to? Well - surprise! I married one of those strange people and even have been to a Cure concert! Isn't life amazing?

I know that you have met some wonderful people - your grandparents, my grandparents, my Uncle Dave, your father's friends, so many. They must be enjoying your company so much.

Our country is in a crisis. I can only imagine you pacing the living room floor commenting and correcting the reporters on their historical and political inaccuracies. In a very odd way, the national crisis is a comfort to me. I have heard the President say that this is a devastating loss for our nation, that families have broken hearts and children have had their lives shattered. We understand. Emma and I and our families are not alone in our grief. Little does the world know, but they are grieving with us as well.

I have so much to tell you, but I will have forever to do that. I just wanted to tell you how much I love and admire and adore you. You changed my life in ways that you can never imagine. So many people thought we were too young to get married when we were 22 and then have Emma when we were 25. I'm glad we didn't listen and that we did what we knew was right. Thank God for our Sweet Emma. She and I will never be alone. We will see you soon. We love you. Please keep your hands on us. We need you so much. I love you.

Forever in love,